The mind is no better than a wild elephant. It runs with the wind. Therefore, one should always discriminate and strive hard for the realization of God.
– Sarada Devi.
The aim of life is
The aim of life is to realize God and remain immersed in contemplation of Him. God alone is real and everything else is false.
– Sarada Devi.
Sri Ramakrishna left me behind
Sri Ramakrishna left me behind to manifest the Motherhood of God to the world.
– Sarada Devi.
One has to suffer
One has to suffer the consequences of one’s deeds. But by repeating the Name of God, you can lessen its intensity. If you were destined to have a wound as wide as a ploughshare, you will get a pinprick at least.
– Sarada Devi.
Without renouncing lust
Without renouncing ‘lust and greed,’ one does not succeed. It is only by renunciation that ignorance is dispelled. When the rays of the sun fall on a lens, many objects burn. On the other hand, if you take the lens inside a room where there is no sunlight, nothing is burned – you have to come out of the room to use the lens.
– Sri Ramakrishna.
If you surrender to the Lord
If you surrender to the Lord and call on Him with a heart full of yearning, He is bound to listen and take care of everything for you.
– Sri Ramakrishna.
When a flower blossoms
When a flower blossoms in a distant forest, swarms of bees reach there humming and searching. One does not have to go to invite them and bring them here.
– Sri Ramakrishna
Truth manifests itself by
Truth manifests itself by its own light, like the sun. So, it does not depend on the acceptance of others.
– Sri M.
One should always keep the company
“One should always keep the company of sadhus. The society of sadhus is a great protection. It saves one from many worldly troubles. For this reason, the devotees should visit the (Belur) Math daily.”
– Sri M.
It is adversity that develops
“It is adversity that develops self-effort and increases faith in God. It was because of adverse circumstances through which he had to pass that Vidyasagar’s character became so brilliant and he was ever so generously helpful to others in adversity.”
– Sri M.